Up the Pole

posted in: Seeds, Vegetables | 0

Pole beans are great for growing in small spaces as they train really well to grow up a pole or trellis.

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The seeds were planted May 11.

By May 20 they were sprouting out of the ground.

Two little leaves appeared a day or so later.

And then they started to grow…

…and grow.

The beans were planted in an old washing machine tub in 2012.  It is lovely and big for root development and there are lots of drainage holes.

They are reaching and twisting and curling up the poles. It wasn’t long before the top was reached and the vines were being twisted and tucked and curled back around.

This year the beans are climbing up the trellis with Tom watching over them.  Some bush beans are also planted in the corners of the big tubs with the tomatoes.

The little white flower appear by early July.

The tiny little beans start to grow.

During the past week I’ve started picking pole green beans, bush beans and scralet runner beans for dinner.

Lot and lots of green beans with the promise of lots more to come.

the gardener side at craftygardener.ca

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