Meet the Stumpys

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Awhile ago an old tree that we used to hang bird feeders on toppled over and had to be cut up.  This wood wasn’t going to be any good for firewood as it was dead and decaying.

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But it came to life in a new way … Stumpys!  It was cut into 3 good sized stumps, of which 2 have been used so far.


Meet Mr. Stringy Stumpy … he sits in the fence garden and has a pot of stringy stonecrop on his head.  I’m hoping the plant will grow and trail over his head just like hair.  Mr. Stringy’s face was the original one that was one the old tree.


Meet Mr. Pots Stumpy… he is in a fairly new created garden by the windmill.  What do you think of his flower pot hat and his polka dot bow tie?  Mr. Pots face was a find at the dollar store.


He is in the windmill garden.  It really isn’t much of a garden right now … just a collection of pots and a few garden ornaments.  This is a work in progress garden that I should be documenting each month.  Inset note to self here … take a photo each month just like the fence garden so it can be compared, because it has to look better than this!


This gives the Stumpy family three members.  This is the first Stumpy that is in the front garden. I never gave this one a name, but perhaps Miss Twolips Stumpy would be a good one. Perhaps one day they will have a Stumpy reunion.

If you have any old tree stumps, how do you use them?

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