Mischievous and Cute

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The little red squirrel has been entertaining us with its antics in the garden lately.  It bounds from spot to spot, gets into places it really shouldn’t be, and is playful with the other squirrels.   It is certainly a mischievous little critter but so cute to watch and photograph.

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The American red squirrel is found across most of North America and it is known for its smaller size compared to other tree squirrels.  It is a reddish brown colour with white under parts and white rings around its eyes.


Little red loves to forage under the bird feeders.


I’m sure it is posing for this photo.


A photo from behind shows off the red bushy tail, not always as bushy as his relatives the black and grey squirrels.


It mastered how to climb the feeder pole and get to the black oil seed in the feeder.  As soon as I took the photo I went out to chase it away.  He just sat there and let me get right up close before deciding to jump down.

I’m joining with Saturday’s Critters where you can see all sorts of other fantastic critter photos.

Have a look at some more of my lens friends photos.


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